Give a little bit (of love to yourself)
So, if you were one of the (un)lucky ones, you probably recently received three blog posts, in one day, from me!
I AM SO SORRY!…and embarrassed.

It was not intentional! 
It was a big mistake, that I, an aspiring blogger and writer, was mortified to have made! 
The old me could have gone down a rabbit hole of mean self-talk and critisism.

Have you been there? 

If you are like most people I meet, your answer will be a resounding YES!
People say things to themselves like:

“I suck!”
“ I completely screwed up”
“How could I have let this happen?"
“Stop complaining, you have it better than others”
“Its not that bad”

But imagine we could speak more kindly to ourselves. 
Talk to ourselves like we would a friend? 
Can you imagine how much different life could be? 
Does it sound impossible?

Well, it is not. And, it is the reason that I could get up, dust myself off, and come back to the blogging drawing board.

Let me introduce “The Self compassion Break”, a tool developed by Kristin Neff, PhD.

It’s an evidence-based intervention that we can use, both on the spot, when we find ourselves suffering, and, as a daily practice; to build the muscle of self compassion. It is quick, under 5 minutes, and easy to remember. 

The three elements of self-compassion, as defined by Dr. Neff, are: 
  • Self-kindness vs self-judgment
  • Common humanity vs. isolation
  • Mindfulness vs over-identification
It might feel unusual or even unnatural at first, but I am proof: we can “fake it until we make it” with self-compassion practice, and eventually, find that we are gentler & kinder to ourselves without as much effort.

…So if you are a human, and you speak to yourself in less than loving ways, try this out. 
Better yet, do it every day for a week! I’d love to hear how it goes!
In one week of daily practice, you might be surprised at how much nicer you are to yourself.

You can read the written description of the practice here: Self-Compassion Break 
Or do a short guided version here: Guided Self-Compassion Break Audio

Wishing you self-compassion, 
Mary ❤️

Hi, I'm Mary
I help clients heal their wounded parts, so that they can claim the superpowers of post-traumatic growth, and live integrated, authentic lives. Psychedelics support clients in acknowledging and healing those hurt places so they no longer have to defend against their (often unconscious) feelings. In the process, layers of protection fall away and the beauty of their truest selves is revealed. That is why I call my blog SOUL DIG. When the protective walls come down, our souls are revealed.

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