To all my rockstar, hyper-independent, overachieving friends out there...

For all my rockstar, hyper- independent, overachieving friends out there…. 
Did you know that the unrelenting need to succeed can be a result of trauma? 
Mainstream ideas about “trauma victims” as weak, sick, and unproductive are just not true. 
Yes, for those who don’t have the resources, support or safety to heal, the effects of trauma, like addiction, illness & disability, can be obvious.

However, in my practice, I’m reminded again and again how trauma can also result in hyper-productivity & staggering self-reliance, characteristics that look like resilience and are, in many ways. But it comes at a cost, physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

I want to share a video that took my breath away, with its breadth, depth and understanding of how trauma can manifest, how it affects our health, and ways of healing, including psychedelics. It is an episode from the "Better!" with Dr. Stephanie Podcast. In it, Dr. Stephanie Estima interviews Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried, and they explore trauma, autoimmunity, and approaches to healing.

This interview is long …
However, it is the best synthesis of what I am learning about the interaction between trauma/ behavior/ health/ functional medicine/behavior/spirituality- that I have seen. They focus on women, but I think this video is a gift to all survivors, regardless of gender. Please find the link here:

Hi, I'm Mary
I help clients heal their wounded parts, so that they can claim the superpowers of post-traumatic growth, and live integrated, authentic lives. Psychedelics support clients in acknowledging and healing those hurt places so they no longer have to defend against their (often unconscious) feelings. In the process, layers of protection fall away and the beauty of their truest selves is revealed. That is why I call my blog SOUL DIG. When the protective walls come down, our souls are revealed.

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